Analytical reading Strategies

Elena Wilkins
2 min readSep 18, 2020

The strategy that catches my eye is topic sentences. I was never quite good at them but, they do help sum up an article or statement. Topic sentences also help us review an article for a test.I believe they are significant to history because they help the reader comprehend a foreign time. Although, we can’t know for sure it helps readers get an inside look on what life was like back then. Overall, it helps readers understand what the whole article is going to about. Mainly, this strategy helps us with with context as well as contingency. You can see how each event goes into another by the summaries topic sentences give us. It also gives us a road map for reading and helps us annotate the reading itself. Topic sentences are a great way to get you thinking before reading all the way through. Then you can form questions while you read as well.


Analytical reading is crucial to History because it allows someone to fully understand and dig deep with a text or article. It generates curiosity and gives the reader more information than just reading normally. You can just remember things better too. I would say it definitely helps with notes. Finally it allows clarity for the reader. Say someone doesn’t understand the reading at first, they can use analytical reading to ensure they understand what they just read by annotating or simply using the signposts we learned about.

